Showing posts with label Linux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linux. Show all posts


 tar: The command itself.

[options]: Optional flags or settings that modify the behavior of the tar command.

[archive-file]: The name of the archive file you are creating or working with.

[file or directory to be archived]: The file or directory you want to include in the archive.




Creates an archive by bundling files and directories together.


Extracts files and directories from an existing archive.


Specifies the filename of the archive to be created or extracted.


Displays or lists the files and directories contained within an archive.


Archives and adds new files or directories to an existing archive.


Displays verbose information, providing detailed output during the archiving or extraction process.


Concatenates multiple archive files into a single archive.


Uses gzip compression when creating a tar file, resulting in a compressed archive with the ‘.tar.gz’ extension.


Uses bzip2 compression when creating a tar file, resulting in a compressed archive with the ‘.tar.bz2’ extension.


Verifies the integrity of an archive file, ensuring its contents are not corrupted.


Updates or adds files or directories to an already existing archive without recreating the entire archive.

1. Creating an uncompressed tar Archive using option - cvf

This command creates a tar file called file.tar which is the Archive of all .c files in the current directory. 

tar cvf file.tar *.c

  • ‘-c’: Creates a new archive.

  • ‘-v’: Displays verbose output, showing the progress of the archiving process.

  • ‘-f’: Specifies the filename of the archive

This command creates a tar file called file.tar which is the Archive of all .c files in the current directory. 

tar cvf file.tar *.c

  • ‘-c’: Creates a new archive.

  • ‘-v’: Displays verbose output, showing the progress of the archiving process.

  • ‘-f’: Specifies the filename of the archive

This command creates a tar file called file.tar.gz which is the Archive of .c files.  

tar cvzf file.tar.gz *.c

Linux Command Cheat Sheet

  1. cd (Change Directory):
      • Description: Changes the current working directory.
      • Use Cases:
        1. cd Documents: Move to the "Documents" directory.
        2. cd ..: Move up one level in the directory structure.
        3. cd /: Change to the root directory.
        4. cd ~/Downloads: Quickly navigate to the user's Downloads folder.
        5. cd -: Toggle between the current and previous directories.
        6. cd -L: Follow symbolic links.

    1. ls (List):

      • Description: Lists the contents of the current directory.
      • Use Cases:
        1. ls -a: List all files, including hidden ones.
        2. ls -l: Display detailed information about files.
        3. ls *.txt: List all files with a .txt extension.
        4. ls -R: Recursively list subdirectories and their contents.
        5. ls -lh: List files with human-readable file sizes.
        6. ls -t: Sort files by modification time.

    2. pwd (Print Working Directory):

      • Description: Prints the current working directory.
      • Use Cases:
        1. pwd: Display the full path of the current directory.
        2. echo $(pwd): Use in scripts to get and print the current directory.
        3. cd "$(pwd)": Change to the current directory.
        4. pwd -P: Print the physical path (resolved symlink path).
        5. pwd -L: Print the logical path (unresolved symlink path).
        6. pwd -W: Print the Windows path style.

    3. mkdir (Make Directory):

      • Description: Creates a new directory.
      • Use Cases:
        1. mkdir new_folder: Create a directory named "new_folder."
        2. mkdir -p path/to/new/directory: Create nested directories.
        3. mkdir {dir1,dir2,dir3}: Create multiple directories at once.
        4. mkdir -m 755 new_directory: Create a directory with specific permissions.
        5. mkdir -v new_directory: Display a message for each created directory.
        6. mkdir --help: Show help information for the command.

    4. rmdir (Remove Directory):

      • Description: Removes an empty directory.
      • Use Cases:
        1. rmdir empty_folder: Remove an empty directory named "empty_folder."
        2. rmdir -p path/to/empty/directory: Remove nested empty directories.
        3. rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty non_empty_folder: Remove a non-empty directory.

    5. rm (Remove):

      • Description: Removes files or directories.
      • Use Cases:
        1. rm file.txt: Delete a file named "file.txt."
        2. rm -r folder: Remove a directory and its contents.
        3. rm *.log: Delete all files with a .log extension.
        4. rm -f file.txt: Forcefully remove a file without confirmation.
        5. rm -i *.txt: Interactively remove files with confirmation.
        6. rm -v file1 file2: Display a message for each removed file.

    6. cp (Copy):

      • Description: Copies files or directories.
      • Use Cases:
        1. cp file.txt /path/to/destination: Copy a file to a specified directory.
        2. cp -r source_folder destination_folder: Copy a directory and its contents.
        3. cp *.jpg backup_folder: Copy all JPEG files to a backup directory.
        4. cp -u *.txt /backup: Copy files only if the source is newer than the destination.
        5. cp -i file.txt /path/to/destination: Interactively copy files with confirmation.
        6. cp --preserve=mode,timestamps source.txt destination.txt: Copy while preserving specified attributes.

    7. mv (Move):

      • Description: Moves or renames files or directories.
      • Use Cases:
        1. mv old_file.txt new_file.txt: Rename a file.
        2. mv file.txt /new/location/: Move a file to a different directory.
        3. mv folder1 folder2: Rename a directory.
        4. mv -u *.txt /backup: Move files only if the source is newer than the destination.
        5. mv -i file.txt /path/to/destination: Interactively move files with confirmation.
        6. mv --backup=numbered file.txt /path/to/backup: Move and create numbered backups.

    8. touch:

      • Description: Creates an empty file.
      • Use Cases:
        1. touch new_file.txt: Create an empty file named "new_file.txt."
        2. touch file1.txt file2.txt: Create multiple empty files.
        3. touch $(date +"%Y%m%d").log: Create a log file with a timestamp.
        4. touch -t 202201011200 file.txt: Create a file with a specific timestamp.
        5. touch -c existing_file.txt: Update the access and modification times of an existing file.
        6. touch --reference=template_file.txt new_file.txt: Set the timestamps of a new file to match an existing file.

    9. cat:

      • Description: Concatenates and displays the content of files.
      • Use Cases:
        1. cat file.txt: Display the content of "file.txt."
        2. cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt: Concatenate two files into one.
        3. cat *.log > all_logs.txt: Combine multiple log files into one.
        4. cat -n file.txt: Display line numbers with the content.
        5. zcat compressed_file.gz: Display the content of a compressed file.
        6. cat file.txt | grep "pattern": Display lines matching a specific pattern.

    10. grep:

      • Description: Searches for a pattern in files.
      • Use Cases:
        1. grep "keyword" file.txt: Display lines containing the specified keyword.
        2. grep -r "pattern" /path/to/search: Recursively search for a pattern in files.
        3. ps aux | grep "process_name": Find a specific process in the process list.
        4. grep -i "case-insensitive" file.txt: Perform a case-insensitive search.
        5. grep -w "word" file.txt: Match whole words only.
        6. grep -v "exclude_pattern" file.txt: Invert match to exclude lines containing a pattern.
  1. find (Continued):
  • Description: Searches for files and directories in a directory hierarchy.
  • Use Cases:
    1. find /path/to/search -name "*.txt": Find all text files in a directory.
    2. find / -size +100M: Find files larger than 100 megabytes.
    3. find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;: Change permissions of all files in the current directory.
    4. find /path -mtime -7: Find files modified in the last 7 days.
    5. find / -name "*.log" -exec rm {} \;: Delete all log files on the system.
    6. find /path -type d -empty -delete: Delete all empty directories in a specific path.
  1. chmod:

    • Description: Changes file permissions.
    • Use Cases:
      1. chmod +x Add execute permission to a script.
      2. chmod 644 file.txt: Set read and write permissions for the owner, read-only for others.
      3. chmod -R 755 /path/to/directory: Recursively set permissions for a directory and its contents.
      4. chmod g+s directory: Set the setgid bit, making files created in the directory inherit its group.
      5. chmod a-x file.txt: Remove execute permission for all users.
      6. chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r file.txt: Set specific permissions using symbolic notation.

  2. chown:

    • Description: Changes file owner and group.
    • Use Cases:
      1. chown user:group file.txt: Change the owner and group of a file.
      2. chown -R user:group /path/to/directory: Recursively change ownership of a directory and its contents.
      3. chown :group file.txt: Change only the group of a file.
      4. chown user: /path/to/directory: Change the owner of a directory, leaving the group unchanged.
      5. chown -c user:group file.txt: Display a message for each changed ownership.
      6. chown --reference=template_file.txt new_file.txt: Set ownership based on an existing file.

  3. ps (Process Status):

    • Description: Displays information about processes.
    • Use Cases:
      1. ps aux: Display a detailed list of all processes.
      2. ps -e | grep "process_name": Find a specific process by name.
      3. ps -ef | grep "username": List processes associated with a specific user.
      4. ps -e | grep -v "grep" | grep "process_name": Exclude the grep process from the result.
      5. ps -e --sort=-cpu: Display processes sorted by CPU usage (descending).
      6. ps -p PID -o pid,ppid,cmd,%cpu,%mem: Show specific information for a process with a given PID.

  4. kill:

    • Description: Sends a signal to terminate processes.
    • Use Cases:
      1. kill PID: Terminate a process by its process ID.
      2. kill -9 PID: Forcefully terminate a process.
      3. pkill -f "process_name": Kill processes by name.
      4. killall process_name: Kill all processes with a specific name.
      5. kill -STOP PID: Suspend a process.
      6. kill -CONT PID: Resume a suspended process.

  5. echo:

    • Description: Prints text to the terminal.
    • Use Cases:
      1. echo "Hello, World!": Display the text "Hello, World!".
      2. echo $PATH: Print the value of the PATH environment variable.
      3. echo -e "Line1\nLine2": Print multiple lines with the -e option.
      4. echo $((2+2)): Perform arithmetic and print the result.
      5. echo "Error: Something went wrong" >&2: Print an error message to standard error.
      6. echo "Today is $(date)": Embed command output within an echo statement.

  6. man (Manual):

    • Description: Displays the manual page for a command.
    • Use Cases:
      1. man ls: View the manual page for the "ls" command.
      2. man -k keyword: Search for manual pages containing a specific keyword.
      3. man 5 passwd: Display information about the passwd file format.
      4. man -t find | ps2pdf - > find.pdf: Convert a manual page to PDF.
      5. man -Hfirefox command: Open the manual page in a web browser.
      6. man -l file.5: View a specific section of a manual page.
  1. head:
  • Description: Displays the first few lines of a file.
  • Use Cases:
    1. head file.txt: Display the first 10 lines of "file.txt."
    2. head -n 20 file.txt: Display the first 20 lines.
    3. ls | head -3: Display the first 3 items in the current directory.
    4. head -c 100 file.txt: Display the first 100 bytes of a file.
    5. head -q file1.txt file2.txt: Quiet mode, don't display headers when multiple files are specified.
    6. journalctl | head -n 50: Display the first 50 lines of system journal entries.
  1. tail:
  • Description: Displays the last few lines of a file.
  • Use Cases:
    1. tail file.txt: Display the last 10 lines of "file.txt."
    2. tail -n 20 file.txt: Display the last 20 lines.
    3. tail -f /var/log/syslog: Follow the content of a log file in real-time.
    4. tail -c +101 file.txt: Display all characters from the 101st character onwards.
    5. journalctl | tail -n 50: Display the last 50 lines of system journal entries.
    6. ls -lt | tail -n +6: Display a directory listing, excluding the first 5 lines.
  1. nano:
  • Description: A simple command-line text editor.
  • Use Cases:
    1. nano file.txt: Open or create a file for editing.
    2. nano +10 file.txt: Open a file and position the cursor at line 10.
    3. nano -B file.txt: Create a backup of the file before saving changes.
    4. nano -c file.txt: Show line numbers and column numbers.
    5. nano -x: Start nano in no-wrapping mode.
    6. nano --help: Display help information for nano.
  1. vim:
  • Description: A powerful text editor with modes and extensive features.
  • Use Cases:
    1. vim file.txt: Open or create a file for editing.
    2. vim +10 file.txt: Open a file and position the cursor at line 10.
    3. vim -O file1.txt file2.txt: Open multiple files in split windows.
    4. vim -u NONE -N: Start Vim with no plugins and no compatible mode.
    5. vim -c "set number" file.txt: Execute a command on startup (set line numbering).
    6. vimdiff file1.txt file2.txt: Compare two files using Vim's side-by-side mode.
  1. du (Disk Usage):
  • Description: Displays the disk space used by files and directories.
  • Use Cases:
    1. du -h /path: Show disk usage in human-readable format.
    2. du -sh *: Display the total disk usage of each item in the current directory.
    3. du -c -h /path/*: Display the total disk usage of all items in a directory.
    4. du -d 2 /path: Display disk usage up to a specified depth.
    5. find / -type f -exec du -h {} + | sort -rh | head -n 10: Find and display the largest files on the system.
    6. du -h --max-depth=1 /path: Display disk usage of each immediate subdirectory.
  1. df (Disk Free):
  • Description: Displays information about available disk space.
  • Use Cases:
    1. df -h: Show disk space usage in a human-readable format.
    2. df -T: Display filesystem types along with disk space information.
    3. df -i: Show inode usage on filesystems.
    4. df -h /path: Display disk space information for a specific directory or filesystem.
    5. df --total: Display total disk space usage across all filesystems.
    6. df -P /path: Use the POSIX output format for consistent column widths.
  1. tar:
  • Description: Creates or extracts tar archives.
  • Use Cases:
    1. tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2: Create a tar archive of specified files.
    2. tar -xvf archive.tar: Extract files from a tar archive.
    3. tar -czvf archive.tar.gz directory/: Create a compressed tar archive.
    4. tar -tvf archive.tar: List the contents of a tar archive.
    5. tar -rvf archive.tar new_file: Add a new file to an existing tar archive.
    6. tar --exclude=*.log -cvf archive.tar *: Create an archive excluding all .log files.
  1. gzip:
  • Description: Compresses or decompresses files using gzip compression.
  • Use Cases:
    1. gzip file.txt: Compress a file and add the ".gz" extension.
    2. gzip -d file.txt.gz: Decompress a gzip-compressed file.
    3. gzip -c file.txt > file.txt.gz: Compress a file and retain the original.
    4. gunzip -k file.txt.gz: Decompress a file and keep the original compressed file.
    5. gzip -r directory: Compress all files in a directory recursively.
    6. zcat file.txt.gz: Display the content of a compressed file without decompressing.
  1. gunzip:
  • Description: Decompresses files compressed with gzip.
  • Use Cases:
    1. gunzip file.txt.gz: Decompress a gzip-compressed file.
    2. gunzip -k file.txt.gz: Decompress a file and keep the original compressed file.
    3. gunzip -c file.txt.gz > file.txt: Decompress a file and retain the original.
    4. gunzip -r directory: Decompress all files in a directory recursively.
    5. gunzip -l file.txt.gz: Display information about the compressed file.
    6. gunzip --help: Display help information for gunzip.
  1. zip:
  • Description: Compresses files into a zip archive.
  • Use Cases:
    1. zip file1 file2: Create a zip archive of specified files.
    2. unzip Extract files from a zip archive.
    3. zip -r directory/: Create a zip archive of an entire directory.
    4. zip -u new_file.txt: Update a zip archive with a new file.
    5. zip -d file.txt: Delete
    6. zip -e file.txt: Create a password-protected zip archive.

  1. unzip:
  • Description: Extracts files from a zip archive.
  • Use Cases:
    1. unzip Extract files from a zip archive.
    2. unzip -l List the contents of a zip archive.
    3. unzip -d /path/to/extract Extract files to a specified directory.
    4. unzip -u Update an existing zip archive with new files.
    5. unzip -p file.txt > output.txt: Extract and redirect the content of a specific file.
    6. unzip -e Extract from a password-protected zip archive.
  1. curl:
  • Description: Transfers data to or from a server.
  • Use Cases:
    1. curl Retrieve content from a URL and display it.
    2. curl -O Download a file from a URL.
    3. curl -X POST -d "data" Send a POST request with data.
    4. curl -I Show only the HTTP headers.
    5. curl -u username:password Authenticate with a username and password.
    6. curl -L Follow redirects to the final destination.
  1. wget:
  • Description: Downloads files from the web using HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP.
  • Use Cases:
    1. wget Download a file from a URL.
    2. wget -c Resume a partially downloaded file.
    3. wget -r -np Recursively download files from a website.
    4. wget --limit-rate=500k Limit download speed to 500 KB/s.
    5. wget --ftp-user=user --ftp-password=pass Download from an FTP server with authentication.
    6. wget --spider -r Check if web pages are accessible without downloading.
  1. ssh:
  • Description: Connects to a remote server securely.
  • Use Cases:
    1. ssh username@hostname: Connect to a remote server with a specified username.
    2. ssh -p 2222 username@hostname: Connect to a server on a non-default SSH port.
    3. ssh-keygen -t rsa: Generate an SSH key pair for authentication.
    4. ssh-copy-id username@hostname: Copy SSH keys to a remote server for passwordless login.
    5. ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 username@hostname: Create an SSH tunnel for local port forwarding.
    6. scp file.txt username@hostname:/path/to/destination: Securely copy a file to a remote server.
  1. scp:
  • Description: Securely copies files between local and remote hosts.
  • Use Cases:
    1. scp file.txt username@hostname:/path/to/destination: Copy a file to a remote server.
    2. scp -r directory username@hostname:/remote/directory/: Copy a directory and its contents.
    3. scp username@remote:/path/to/file.txt .: Copy a file from a remote server to the local directory.
    4. scp -P 2222 file.txt username@hostname:/path/to/destination: Specify a non-default SSH port.
    5. scp -i keyfile.pem file.txt username@hostname:/path/to/destination: Use a specific private key for authentication.
    6. rsync -avz --progress /local/path/ username@remote:/remote/path/: Synchronize files between local and remote hosts with rsync.
  1. rsync:
  • Description: Synchronizes files and directories between local and remote systems.
  • Use Cases:
    1. rsync -avz /local/path/ username@remote:/remote/path/: Copy files from local to remote using compression.
    2. rsync -avz --delete /local/path/ username@remote:/remote/path/: Synchronize and delete extraneous files on the destination.
    3. rsync -avz --exclude='*.log' /local/path/ username@remote:/remote/path/: Exclude specific file types during synchronization.
    4. rsync -avz --dry-run /local/path/ username@remote:/remote/path/: Perform a dry run without making changes.
    5. rsync -avz --bwlimit=1000 /local/path/ username@remote:/remote/path/: Limit the bandwidth during synchronization.
    6. rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p 2222' /local/path/ username@hostname:/remote/path/: Specify a non-default SSH port.
  1. history:
  • Description: Displays the command history.
  • Use Cases:
    1. history: Display the command history.
    2. !ls: Execute the last command that started with "ls."
    3. history | grep "keyword": Search the command history for a specific keyword.
    4. !!: Repeat the last command.
    5. !n: Repeat the nth command from the history.
    6. history -c: Clear the entire command history.
  1. clear:
  • Description: Clears the terminal screen.
  • Use Cases:
    1. clear: Clear the terminal screen.
    2. clear && command: Clear the screen before executing a command.
    3. Ctrl + L: Shortcut to clear the terminal screen.
    4. clear -x: Clear the screen and scrollback buffer.
    5. watch -n 1 'command | clear': Continuously run a command and clear the screen every second.
    6. tput reset: Use the terminfo capability to clear the screen.
  1. date:
  • Description: Displays or sets the system date and time.
  • Use Cases:
    1. date: Display the current date and time.
    2. date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S": Format and display the date and time.
    3. date -s "2022-01-01 12:00:00": Set the system date and time.
    4. date --date="2 days ago": Display the date from two days ago.
    5. date -u: Display the date in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
    6. date +%s: Display the current timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
  1. cal:
  • Description: Displays a calendar.
  • Use Cases:
    1. cal: Display the current month's calendar.
    2. cal -3: Display the previous, current, and next month's calendars.
    3. cal 2022: Display the calendar for the entire year 2022.
    4. cal -j: Display Julian dates in the calendar.
    5. cal -y: Display a calendar with a week starting from Sunday.
    6. cal -A 1 -B 1: Display one month ahead and one month behind the current month.
  1. uptime:
  • Description: Displays how long the system has been running.
  • Use Cases:
    1. uptime: Display the current time, how long the system has been running, and the number of users.
    2. uptime -p: Display the uptime in a more human-readable format.
    3. w: Similar to uptime but also shows who is logged in and what they are doing.
    4. top: Display real-time system statistics, including uptime.
    5. ps -eo etime,cmd | grep -i "process_name": Check the uptime of a specific process.
    6. watch -n 1 uptime: Continuously monitor system uptime.
  1. whoami:
  • Description: Displays the username of the current user.
  • Use Cases:
    1. whoami: Display the current username.
    2. echo "I am $(whoami)": Use in scripts to incorporate the username.
    3. sudo -u $(whoami) command: Execute a command with elevated privileges as the current user.
    4. id -un: Display the username using the id command.
    5. finger $(whoami): Display additional information about the user.
    6. who: Display information about currently logged-in users.
  1. uname:
  • Description: Displays system information.
  • Use Cases:
    1. uname: Display the system name (kernel name).
    2. uname -a: Display all system information.
    3. uname -s: Display the kernel name.
    4. uname -r: Display the kernel release.
    5. uname -m: Display the machine hardware name.
    6. uname -n: Display the network node hostname.
  1. df (Data Format):
  • Description: Converts and formats data.
  • Use Cases:
    1. echo "123" | df: Display the size and usage of standard input.
    2. df -hT: Display a summarized and human-readable format of filesystem information.
    3. df -B MB: Display block sizes in megabytes.
    4. df --output=source,size,used,avail: Specify the columns to be displayed.
    5. df -H /path: Display disk usage with human-readable units.
    6. df --sync: Synchronize output to avoid displaying outdated information.
  1. ps (PostScript):
  • Description: Generates PostScript files.
  • Use Cases:
    1. ps2pdf Convert a PostScript file to PDF.
    2. ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress Optimize PDF output for prepress printing.
    3. ps2pdf -sOutputFile=output.pdf Specify the output file name.
    4. ps2pdf -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=jpeg -r300 -sOutputFile=output.jpg Convert to JPEG format.
    5. ps2pdf -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dSubsetFonts=true Embed and subset fonts in the PDF.
    6. ps2pdf -dFirstPage=2 -dLastPage=5 output.pdf: Convert specific pages to PDF.
  1. echo:
  • Description: Prints text to the terminal.
  • Use Cases:
    1. echo "Hello, World!": Display the text "Hello, World!".
    2. echo $PATH: Print the value of the PATH environment variable.
    3. echo -e "Line1\nLine2": Print multiple lines with the -e option.
    4. echo $((2+2)): Perform arithmetic and print the result.
    5. echo "Error: Something went wrong" >&2: Print an error message to standard error.
    6. echo "Today is $(date)": Embed command output within an echo statement.
  1. printf:
  • Description: Formats and prints data.
  • Use Cases:
    1. printf "Name: %s\nAge: %d\n" "John" 25: Display formatted text.
    2. printf "%-10s %-8s %-4s\n" "Name" "Age" "ID": Format text with specified widths.
    3. printf "%0.2f\n" 3.14159: Format and display a floating-point number.
    4. printf "Hex: %x\n" 255: Display a hexadecimal representation.
    5. printf "Binary: %b\n" 101: Display a binary representation.
    6. printf "Octal: %o\n" 8: Display an octal representation.
  1. grep (Global Regular Expression Print):
  • Description: Searches for a pattern in files.
  • Use Cases:
    1. grep "keyword" file.txt: Display lines containing the specified keyword.
    2. grep -r "pattern" /path/to/search: Recursively search for a pattern in files.
    3. ps aux | grep "process_name": Find a specific process in the process list.
    4. grep -i "case-insensitive" file.txt: Perform a case-insensitive search.
    5. grep -w "word" file.txt: Match whole words only.
    6. grep -v "exclude_pattern" file.txt: Invert match to exclude lines containing a pattern.
  1. awk:
  • Description: A versatile text processing tool.
  • Use Cases:
    1. ls -l | awk '{print $1, $9}': Display file permissions and names.
    2. ps aux | awk '$3 > 50 {print $1, $3}': Print user and CPU usage for processes using more than 50% CPU.
    3. awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}' numbers.txt: Calculate and print the sum of numbers in a file.
    4. df -h | awk '$5 > 80 {print $6, $5}': Display filesystems with usage above 80%.
    5. awk '/pattern/ {print $0}' file.txt: Print lines containing a specific pattern.
    6. awk -F: '{print $1, $3}' /etc/passwd: Set a custom field separator and print user names and IDs.
  1. sed (Stream Editor):
  • Description: Edits text streams.
  • Use Cases:
    1. sed 's/old/new/' file.txt: Replace the first occurrence of "old" with "new" in each line.
    2. sed '2,5s/old/new/' file.txt: Replace "old" with "new" in lines 2 to 5.
    3. sed 's/old/new/g' file.txt: Replace all occurrences of "old" with "new" in each line.
    4. sed -n '1,5p' file.txt: Print only lines 1 to 5.
    5. sed '/pattern/d' file.txt: Delete lines containing a specific pattern.
    6. sed 's/^/prefix_/' file.txt: Add a prefix to the beginning of each line.
  1. cut:
  • Description: Removes sections from each line of a file.
  • Use Cases:
    1. cut -d',' -f2 file.csv: Extract the second field from a CSV file.
    2. cut -c1-5 file.txt: Extract the first five characters from each line.
    3. ps aux | cut -c1-20,30-: Extract specific columns from the output of ps.
    4. cut -f1,3 -d':' /etc/passwd: Extract user names and user IDs from the passwd file.
    5. cut -f2- file.txt: Extract fields starting from the second field.
    6. echo "apple,orange,banana" | cut -d',' --output-delimiter=' | ' -f2,3: Change the output delimiter.
  1. sort:
  • Description: Sorts lines of text files.
  • Use Cases:
    1. sort file.txt: Sort lines alphabetically.
    2. sort -r file.txt: Sort lines in reverse order.
    3. sort -n numbers.txt: Sort numerical values.
    4. ls -l | sort -k5,5nr: Sort files by size in descending order.
    5. sort -t':' -k3,3n /etc/passwd: Sort the passwd file by user ID.
    6. sort -u file.txt: Sort and remove duplicate lines.
  1. uniq:
  • Description: Removes duplicate lines from a sorted file.
  • Use Cases:
    1. sort file.txt | uniq: Remove consecutive duplicate lines.
    2. sort file.txt | uniq -c: Count and remove consecutive duplicate lines.
    3. sort file.txt | uniq -u: Display only lines that are not repeated.
    4. uniq -i file.txt: Case-insensitive comparison.
    5. uniq -d file.txt: Display only duplicate lines.
    6. uniq -w 3 file.txt: Compare only the first 3 characters.
  1. tr (Translate):
  • Description: Translates or deletes characters.
  • Use Cases:
    1. echo "Hello" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z': Convert lowercase to uppercase.
    2. echo "Hello 123" | tr -d '0-9': Remove digits.
    3. echo "Hello 123" | tr -c 'a-z' 'X': Replace non-lowercase characters with 'X'.
    4. echo " Hello " | tr -s ' ': Squeeze consecutive spaces into one.
    5. echo "abc" | tr -d -c 'a-z': Delete characters not in the specified range.
    6. echo "HELLO" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z': Convert uppercase to lowercase.
  1. wc (Word Count):
  • Description: Counts lines, words, and characters in a file.
  • Use Cases:
    1. wc file.txt: Display the line, word, and byte count for a file.
    2. wc -l file.txt: Display only the line count.
    3. wc -w file.txt: Display only the word count.
    4. echo "Hello" | wc -c: Count the number of characters in a string.
    5. cat *.txt | wc -l: Count the total number of lines in multiple files.
    6. find /path -type f -exec cat {} \; | wc -l: Count the total number of lines in all files in a directory.
  1. curl:
  • Description: Transfers data to or from a server.
  • Use Cases:
    1. curl Retrieve content from a URL and display it.
    2. curl -O Download a file from a URL.
    3. curl -X POST -d "data" Send a POST request with data.
    4. curl -I Show only the HTTP headers.
    5. curl -u username:password Authenticate with a username and password.
    6. curl -L Follow redirects to the final destination.
  1. wget:
  • Description: Downloads files from the web using HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP.
  • Use Cases:
    1. wget Download a file from a URL.
    2. wget -c Resume a partially downloaded file.
    3. wget -r -np Recursively download files from a website.
    4. wget --limit-rate=500k Limit download speed to 500 KB/s.
    5. wget --ftp-user=user --ftp-password=pass Download from an FTP server with authentication.
    6. wget --spider -r Check if web pages are accessible without downloading.
  1. ssh:
  2. Description: Connects to a remote server securely.
  • Use Cases:
    1. ssh username@hostname: Connect to a remote server with a specified username.
    2. ssh -p 2222 username@hostname: Connect to a server on a non-default SSH port.
    3. ssh-keygen -t rsa: Generate an SSH key pair for authentication.
    4. ssh-copy-id username@hostname: Copy SSH keys to a remote server for passwordless login.
    5. ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 username@hostname: Create an SSH tunnel for local port forwarding.
    6. scp file.txt username@hostname:/path/to/destination: Securely copy a file to a remote server.

  1. docker:
  • Description: Manages containers for developing, shipping, and running applications.
  • Use Cases:
    1. docker build -t image_name .: Build a Docker image from the current directory.
    2. docker run -p 8080:80 image_name: Run a Docker container, mapping port 8080 to port 80.
    3. docker ps: List running containers.
    4. docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash: Access a running container's shell.
    5. docker-compose up: Start services defined in a Docker Compose file.
    6. docker system prune: Remove all stopped containers, unused networks, and dangling images.
  1. kubectl:
  • Description: Interacts with Kubernetes clusters to deploy and manage applications.
  • Use Cases:
    1. kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml: Deploy a Kubernetes resource defined in a YAML file.
    2. kubectl get pods: List running pods in a Kubernetes cluster.
    3. kubectl logs pod_name: View logs from a specific pod.
    4. kubectl describe deployment deployment_name: Display detailed information about a deployment.
    5. kubectl scale deployment deployment_name --replicas=3: Scale the number of replicas for a deployment.
    6. kubectl delete pod pod_name: Delete a pod in a Kubernetes cluster.
  1. ansible:
  • Description: Automates configuration management, application deployment, and task execution.
  • Use Cases:
    1. ansible-playbook deploy_app.yml: Run an Ansible playbook for deploying an application.
    2. ansible all -m ping: Check connectivity to all hosts in the inventory.
    3. ansible-playbook -i inventory_file deploy_app.yml: Use a custom inventory file for playbook execution.
    4. ansible-vault encrypt secrets.yml: Encrypt sensitive data in an Ansible Vault.
    5. ansible-galaxy init role_name: Initialize a new Ansible role.
    6. ansible-doc command_module: View documentation for an Ansible module.
  1. terraform:
  • Description: Manages infrastructure as code and enables provisioning of resources.
  • Use Cases:
    1. terraform init: Initialize a Terraform working directory.
    2. terraform apply: Apply changes to infrastructure as defined in Terraform configuration.
    3. terraform plan: Generate and show an execution plan for changes.
    4. terraform destroy: Destroy Terraform-managed infrastructure.
    5. terraform state show: Show Terraform state or plan file.
    6. terraform fmt: Format Terraform configuration files.
  1. git:
  • Description: Version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.
  • Use Cases:
    1. git clone repository_url: Clone a Git repository.
    2. git add file_name: Add changes in a file to the staging area.
    3. git commit -m "Commit message": Commit changes to the local repository.
    4. git push origin branch_name: Push changes to a remote repository.
    5. git pull origin branch_name: Pull changes from a remote repository.
    6. git branch -a: List all branches in the repository.
  1. jenkins:
  • Description: An automation server used for building, testing, and deploying software.
  • Use Cases:
    1. Jenkins Pipeline: Define a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline.
    2. Jenkins Job DSL: Create and manage Jenkins jobs programmatically.
    3. Jenkins CLI: Interact with Jenkins from the command line.
    4. Jenkins Plugin Management: Install and manage plugins for extending Jenkins functionality.
    5. Jenkins Slave Configuration: Set up and configure build agents (slaves) in Jenkins.
    6. Jenkins System Configuration: Adjust global settings and configurations in Jenkins.
  1. curl (for API testing):
  • Description: Command-line tool for making HTTP requests.
  • Use Cases:
    1. curl -X GET http://api_endpoint: Send a GET request to an API.
    2. curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key":"value"}' http://api_endpoint: Send a POST request with JSON data.
    3. curl -H "Authorization: Bearer token" http://api_endpoint: Include an authorization token in the request header.
    4. curl -I http://api_endpoint: Fetch only the HTTP headers from the response.
    5. curl -u username:password http://api_endpoint: Perform basic authentication.
    6. curl --data-urlencode "param1=value1" --data-urlencode "param2=value2" http://api_endpoint: Send data as URL-encoded form parameters.
  1. vault (HashiCorp Vault):
  • Description: Manages secrets and protects sensitive data for applications.
  • Use Cases:
    1. vault write secret/myapp/apikey value=supersecret: Store a secret in Vault.
    2. vault read secret/myapp/apikey: Retrieve a secret from Vault.
    3. vault kv get secret/myapp: List all key-value pairs in a secret path.
    4. vault policy write mypolicy policy.hcl: Create or update a policy in Vault.
    5. vault token create -policy=mypolicy: Create a new token with a specified policy.
    6. vault audit enable file file_path.log: Enable file-based auditing in Vault.
  1. logrotate:
  • Description: Rotates, compresses, and mails system logs.
  • Use Cases:
    1. logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf: Force log rotation using a specific configuration file.
    2. logrotate -d /etc/logrotate.conf: Debug mode to check the log rotation process without making changes.
    3. logrotate --state /var/lib/logrotate/status: Specify an alternate state file for log rotation.
    4. logrotate -s /path/to/state/file: Set the state file for log rotation.
    5. logrotate -v /etc/logrotate.conf: Verbose mode to display detailed information during log rotation.
    6. logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.d/custom: Force log rotation for a specific log file.
  1. htop:
  • Description: Interactive process viewer for monitoring system resources.
  • Use Cases:
    1. htop: Launch the htop process viewer.
    2. htop -u username: Display processes for a specific user.
    3. htop -p PID: Show information for a specific process ID.
    4. htop -s: Sort processes based on a selected column.
    5. htop -t: Tree view, display processes in a hierarchical structure.